DoliWamp is an all in one package installer for Windows (Dolibarr Mysql Apache PHP). DoliWamp is the Dolibarr version for Windows for users with no technical knowledge, to install or upgrade Dolibarr and all prerequisites like the web server, and the database in one autoinstall process.
Dolibarr ERP/CRM is an OpenSource software provided with sources under GPL Licence.
However standard distribution of Dolibarr ERP/CRM need a Database, a Web server and a working PHP configuration to be used.
- For experienced or Linux users, this can be done in few minutes only. Such tools can be installed automatically by packages provided by all Linux distributions.
- But for non experienced Windows users, things are not so simple. So, if don't want use our ready to use hosted solutions, want to install yourself on your own coputer and you don't know how to install a PHP enabled Web server or a MySql Database, NLTechno provides a Windows autoinstaller that install everything for you, with just an autoinstall .exe file. This package is called DoliWamp.